FAQ: Printing

This is a compilation of the questions that a lot of imaginary people don’t stop asking me related to printing.

How do I print the free printables from the box of ideas?

01. Assuming that you already chose which PDF you want to print from this collection, click on the thumbnail of your choice.

02. A new tab will open in the PDF’s Google Drive page. This is where you can see, comment, download, or print directly the PDF.

03. At the top of the page, you will see the following icons bar (in your browser’s language, I suppose):


04. From there it is pretty self-explanatory since its designer did a good job, so just follow your graphic instinct (or hover over each icon and read what they want to whisper at you).

05. I was planning to make an extensive guide on how to deal with this website’s printables, depending on what type of device you use (mobile, desktop, android, iOS… etc), then Google showed me that they had already done this in a simple and easy to follow guide, which you can see on this page, so why bother ??


If your website’s printables could talk, how do you think that they’d describe themselves?

As International A4 sized PDF files in high-resolution (to fit most printing quality needs), with a white margin big enough to assure all designs fit most home printers.

* A few of them might identify themselves as A4 sized JPG files saved in CMYK color mode at 300 ppp.

see the free printables collection